Owing to my curiosity, i went to the selection event to the "Moran" division. Since the commander there told it's secret division and we should not tell anyone how the selection system goes, i can only tell to you, that we had some physical exercises (as individual and also as a team), then some interesting tests and an interview. I've told them honestly, that i came just over reasons of curiosity in interview, so they don't take me there too by mistake. Although it's elite, i don't want to tear my ass all those years and i'm not sure i will keep it all secret, i want to share all those thigns with you guys, no, huh? ;)
So we were divided again into divisions on Wednesday. Although i really wanted to stay in MLRS where i was before (I knew all my commanders and many of guys there), they put me into "Namer". I have no idea why, but people told, that the computer is the one who chooses and too many people gave their first preference to MLRS. And i just was left behind :(
Ok, so here i am, in "Namer".I've asked my commander, and not once to change the division, but said it's impossible, although i know it is. Well, i'll share the news about it after i get some results. All he tells me now is that i'm only 2 days in this division, i will also get to know all the commanders and guys here and it will go fine. Although i'm sure it will not, i want back. Let's change the topic by the time.
So, we've already got our M-16 guns and also 5 magazines and soon we will fill them with bullets and train shooting. Surely, first we pass all security lessons and how to use the gun safely so you don't hurt anyone, how to carry it, to hold it and so on. Although it sounds cool, we will have to carry it with us the whole time. All those 3 years we pick it up with us wherever we go, even to the bathroom. And when you sleep, you should put it under your mattress! At least it weights only 2 kilo and not more. The guys from the sea force have Tavor guns, which weigh 3.6 kilo! They also look much better, they were invented here in Israel, but...not that comfortable to keep it with you all the time :p
Currently i'm spending my spare time by drawing stuff in my notebook, it's always in my pocket, i'm not really taking part in all "discussions" others usually do. May be one day i upload here some of my drawings, for your judgment. Next time i will tell you a bit about the social care system in IDF and a bit about the language in Tzahal, because it's really different from regular hebrew owing to large amount of acronyms and abbreviations.
Till next post, my friends, feel free to comment :)
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