Saturday, August 7, 2010

Soldier ID Card

Welcome back, everyone!

In this post i will show to you how a soldier ID card looks like in Israel. Each soldier has to carry it with him all the time he isn't in his base. Without it he won't be able to take free public transports or will get a report by "army police" if it catches him. Army police patrols streets and if they see a soldier even crossing a street on red, they can give him a report, which will make him later a lot of troubles. Ah, yes, and this card only works if i'm also dressed with soldier uniform. I've blurred a bit the unneeded secret parts, but you still can see my face, ahah xD

 This is the last post for now, tomorrow i need to be at 10 AM in my base and the closest time i will be home again this the next shabat (Saturday) or the shabat after that. See you later, guys :)

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